How to use OpenAI + Sylo to manage your inbound conversations at scale?

I am sure you have heard all the buzz around OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

It is a sophisticated AI assistant that can write articles and even code.

We have been working with OpenAI as a partner for over 2 years and have integrated their A.I. into Sylo so you can build AI sales assistants in a few minutes.

In the past, it would take months and heavy resources to train AI on enough data sets to return correct answers while sounding human.

OpenAI solves this and combined with Sylo allows you to manage millions of conversations with ZERO human input across text and Facebook messenger. (Soon email, WhatsApp & More).

Training your bot is as easy as cut and paste. (Watch the video below for more info)

Over time the more data you feed Sylo…the smarter it will become.

I currently use Sylo on our DTC fintech site

Just yesterday Sylo + OpenAI answered 432 questions and set 88 meetings…with ZERO human interaction.

OpenAI has some limitations…which we are compensating for by building our own pre-trained skills.

The first one we built is the Appointment Booking assistant.

80%+ of the inbound messages received are related to booking callbacks and setting meetings.

All you need to do to set up is connect your Google or Outlook calendar.

Sylo will interact, set the time in text, book your calendar, send text reminders AND even call the customer to connect them to your sales team in real-time.

What we found is that most consumers (unlike B2B use cases) do not use digital calendars and for some reason do not like to fill out a traditional “calendly” like form.

They much rather just set a meeting through a text conversation.

Why do we like Facebook Messenger chat over any other tool?

Sylo also allows you to integrate your AI assistant with Facebook Messenger which you can place directly on your site.

  1. Facebook has all the basic information already on file making it easy for the consumer to click submit their phone & email.
  2. If they abandon chat you have 24 hours to message them for free. If a prospect leaves any other web chat tool it requires email entry to communicate. Facebook Messenger only requires them to click one button and since they have messenger on their phone you can reach them much easier.
  3. It is free. We do not charge you anything additional to put Facebook on your site.
  4. You can pay in the future to send them promoted messages through the Facebook ad platform. I much rather pay Facebook to message hot prospects than never hear from them again.
  5. It connects directly to Sylo’s AI assistant for instant interaction.  
  6. You can build sequences that deliver a media-rich engagement with video, audio, and carousel cards.

Sign up for a trial of Sylo today and start training your AI Sales assistants in the next hour.

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