How to drive leads with a Facebook paid ad chat funnel?

Facebook is expanding the use of Messenger advertising on their platform.

Messenger paid ads provide consumers with the option to start a conversation with a business.

Sylo allows you to build automated sequences for Facebook Messenger that gather information and provide a media rich experience.

If you sell any type of higher ticket product that requires questions prior to purchase than these ads work extremely well.

Unlike landing page forms these prospects often have more intent because they are clicking a button to have a conversation with your business directly.

Since Facebook already has the leads name, phone and email you can collect this data with only 2 clicks.

If the prospect drops off you have 24 hours to message them for free to get them back into a sales conversation.

Once you build up a substantial list of subscribers you can also use promoted bulk messages to send new product updates and offers.

Watch this short video to see how easy these social chat funnels are to set up in Sylo:

Start building your Social Chat Bot Campaign in the next 5 minutes…


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