Facebook Disclaimer & Data Policy

This Agreement is between "Customer" or " You" & Upsell LLC & it's subsidiaries:

Effective day: November 10, 2019


Upsell LLC and it's affiliates are not held liable for Facebook account shutdowns or suspensions.  It is the sole responsibility of the customer to comply with Facebook's terms of service. To understand and ensure your compliance with the messaging policies for the Messenger Platform please visit:


UpSell LLC cannot control customer's ability to receive "subscription" messaging status.

Facebook Advertising Access, Insights Data Privacy Policy

Advertising Account Data.  

You give Arlo authority to place advertisements through your Facebook Ad account on your behalf.  This gives us access through our approved Facebook App to use your account token to place ads on your behalf, gather advertising data, insights and metrics directly from the Facebook API. Arlo and it's affiliates will ONLY use this data to access metrics, insights and data points from the advertisements you have placed through it’s systems.  Arlo will never use access token to export past advertisement metrics, data or any insights. 

Copyright 2019 UpSell LLC DBA RevStack, Arlo, HelloMya & Subsidiaries