How we lowered our lead cost by 28% and turned 3X more leads to sales?

Google search ads produce very high quality leads because the consumer shows a high level of intent.

They are actively searching for keywords that relate to your product.

The problem is that most keywords are very expensive and competition is super high.

In most markets specific keywords also do not generate a lot of traffic to scale campaigns.

Facebook and TikTok on the other hand have more traffic than they can sell.

The video ads and different formats are very engaging however…

They use broad based, interest targeting which lacks intent.  Just because someone likes Gucci handbags or Zillow does not mean they are in the market to buy.

With Apple and Google’s push to privacy it is getting harder and harder for social ad networks to target the right people.

This leads to a lot of prospects filling out forms, but very few ever answer phone or close.

Not to mention you and every competitor are targeting the same limited groups of people.

At Sylo we solved this with AudienceAI. 

We combine 20+ data sources and track over 1 Trillion Buying Signals across 250 million Americans everyday! 

We use ai and machine learning to analyze and group these in-market consumers based on behavior and keyword. 

All you have to do is upload the audience to Facebook, TikTok or any ad network and start targeting the 3% of of people actually looking to buy right now. 

At Sylo we put our money where our mouth is.

Prior to launching the Saas platform (and still to this day) we used this system as our secret weapon.

On average we saw have seen a decrease of 28% over other campaigns without AudienceAI.

The best part is our contact ratio was 3X higher!  That means more closes, less time chasing bad leads and alot less spent on hiring appointment setters or call centers.

Click here to start your 7 day trial.



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